Some model questions are given here for self evaluation. These are selected from the lessons such as, Sensations and Responses, Windows of Knowledge, Chemical Messages for Homeostasis, Keeping Diseases Away and Soldiers of Defense. Try to answer the questions by yourselves. Then click on the link, ‘Answers’, provided below to know the answers. Compare and rate your answers.
Score 40 Time 1 ½ Hrs
Questions 1-6. Answer any five only 1 score each. (5×1 =5)
1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. Which is the hormone that helps a plant to survive in adverse conditions?
(A) Ehtylene (B) Auxin
(C) Cytokinin (D) Abscisic acid
2. Differentiate between grey matter and white matter.
3. From the given three pairs, select the correct one.
(a) Monocyte - Stimulates other white cells.
(b) Eosinophil - Produces chemical substances needed for inflammatory response.
(c) Lymphocyte - Engulfs and destroys germs.
4. Find the missing item in the second pair on the basis of the relationship between the items in the first pair. Write the relationship between the items in the pair also.
Civet cat: Civeton
Female silkworm moth : ................
5. Write the cause of epilepsy.
6. Complete the statement appropriately. ......................... is an artificial hormone used in farmlands as a weedicide.
Questions 7- 13. Answer any six only. 2 score each. (6 ×2 =12)
7. A brochure is to be prepared to create awareness against AIDS. What are the ideas to be included in it regarding the ways in which HIV is transmitted?
8. Rearrange the items in columns B and C so that they match with those in column A.
9. Write functions of the parts named below in reflex action.
(a) Sensory neuron (b) Interneuron
10. The remedy for an eye defect is stated below.
Lens replacement surgery
(a) Identify the eye defect.
(b) Write the cause of this defect.
11. ‘All the people can receive all the groups of blood’ . How do you react to this statement?
12. Prepare a flow chart showing how we sense smell.
13. What is the function of artificial abscisic acid?
Questions 14- 19. Answer any five only. 3 score each. (5×3=15)
14. Observe the illustration and answer the questions.
(a) Name the disease shown in the illustration
(b) Explain the cause of the disease.
(c) How does the change in the shape of the red blood cells affect the body?
15. Antibodies are substances that act against antigens. How do antibodies help the defense mechanism of the body?
16. Complete the flow chart related to the balancing of the body
17. Observe the figure and answer the questions.
a) What does the figure indicate?
b) Name the part indicated by ‘A’ and write its peculiarity.
c) Name the part indicated by ‘B’ and write its function.
18. Fill in the blank spaces in the illustration.
b) Name the part indicated by ‘A’ and write its peculiarity.
c) Name the part indicated by ‘B’ and write its function.
18. Fill in the blank spaces in the illustration.
19. Tabulate the statements given below.
a) Urinary bladder contracts.
b) Trachea dilates.
c) Production of saliva decreases.
d) Hormone production decreases.
e) Glucose is converted into glycogen.
f) Peristalsis in the intestine slows down.
Questions 20- 22. Answer any two only. 4 score each. (2×4 =8)
20. Given below is the condition arising from the decrease in the production of a hormone.
Deficiency during foetal stage leads to mental retardation and stunted growth.
a) Name the hormone and the gland that secretes it.
b) What are the functions of this hormone?
c) What is the diseased condition referred to above? Write its other symptoms.
21. Observe the graph and answer the questions.
a) Which is the crop that is most affected in this area? Which is its pathogen?
b) According to the graph, which are the bacterial diseases? Name the crops affected by the bacteria.
c) Which is the crop that is least affected?
22. Copy the given diagram. Also name and label the parts described.
a) The layer of the eye ball where photoreceptors are seen.
b) The part that regulates its size according to the intensity of light.
c) The part that transmits impulses to the brain.
Thank u for your help